kubeflow-bootstrap: Simplified MLOps Deployment Tool for Kubernetes

GitHub Stats Value
Stars 56
Forks 12
Language Shell
Created 2024-02-20
License Apache License 2.0

Kubeflow Bootstrap is a project designed to simplify the deployment of Kubeflow, a cloud-native AI platform, using ArgoCD. It addresses the growing need for consistent and simple operations in both Kubernetes and AI environments. By packaging Kubeflow in Helm and Terraform formats, this project enables easy scaling of Kubeflow with other production systems.

Kubeflow Bootstrap focuses initially on the Jupyter notebook environment, allowing developers to deploy and access notebook instances with GPU support for deep learning. This functionality is compatible across various cloud providers, from individual VMs to managed services like Amazon’s EKS. The system is built on top of the official Kubeflow Manifests repo, utilizing Kustomizations for the various components of Kubeflow. This makes it an invaluable tool for streamlining MLOps in Kubernetes.

Overview The Kubeflow Bootstrap project simplifies the deployment and management of Kubeflow, a cloud-native AI platform, on Kubernetes. It integrates Kubeflow with production systems using Terraform and Helm, leveraging GitOps with ArgoCD.

Key Features

  • Simplified Deployment: Provides a 1-click experience for deploying Kubeflow using Terraform and Helm.
  • Jupyter Notebook Environment: Allows developers to deploy and access Jupyter notebook instances, including GPU support for deep learning.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: Compatible with various cloud providers, from individual VMs to managed services like Amazon’s EKS.
  • Modular Components: Built on top of the official Kubeflow Manifests repo, using Kustomizations and ArgoCD for managing components.
  • GitOps Integration: Enables management of Kubernetes resources via GitOps, facilitating consistent and version-controlled deployments.
  • Scalability: Designed to scale Kubeflow usage with other production systems.


  • Terraform Module: A simple entry point for a 1-click experience.
  • Helm Charts: High-level and lower-level charts for setting up Kubeflow Argo Apps.

System Requirements

  • Default configuration requires a cluster with 2 CPUs and 8 GB memory.

Getting Started

  • Recommended to start with the Terraform module in a development environment.
  • Guides available for installation via Helm CLI and integrating with existing clusters.

Security and Management

  • Supports secure deployments with HTTPS load balancers and custom passwords.
  • Allows user isolation using Kubeflow profiles.
  • Facilitates teardown and cleanup of resources.

This project streamlines MLOps in Kubernetes, making it easier to deploy and manage AI applications across different environments.

To simplify MLOps in Kubernetes, you can use the Kubeflow Bootstrap project to deploy Kubeflow using Terraform. Here’s how you can get started:


## Initialize provider
provider "helm" {

## Call Kubeflow module
module "treebeardkf" {
  source         = "../.."

This approach integrates Kubeflow with your existing production systems managed by Terraform.

For a more direct installation, you can use the Helm CLI:


## Install Argo CD
helm repo add argo-cd https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm
helm install -n argocd --create-namespace argo-cd argo-cd/argo-cd

## Install Kubeflow
helm install kubeflow -n argocd oci://ghcr.io/treebeardtech/helm/kubeflow --version x.y.z

To make your Kubeflow deployment secure, follow the example for setting up an HTTPS load balancer:


## See examples/eks-https-loadbalancer for detailed configuration

This ensures your Kubeflow instance is accessible securely over the internet.

Use Kubeflow profiles to securely isolate users:


## See Kubeflow docs on profiles for detailed setup

This helps in managing multiple users and their resources efficiently.

  • Simplified MLOps: Deploy and manage Kubeflow using familiar tools like Terraform and Helm.
  • GitOps Integration: Manage your Kubeflow instance using ArgoCD, ensuring consistent and version-controlled configurations.
  • Cloud-Native AI: Utilize Kubeflow for scientific computing, traditional machine learning, and generative AI across various cloud providers.
  • GPU Support: Deploy Jupyter notebook instances with GPU support necessary for deep learning tasks.
  • Security: Secure your deployment with HTTPS load balancers and manage user profiles to isolate resources.
  1. Development Environment: Start by trying out the module in a development environment using the k3s tutorial.
  2. Terraform Module: Use the Terraform module for a 1-click experience.
  3. Helm Charts: Use

Key Points:

  • Simplifies MLOps: Kubeflow Bootstrap simplifies Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) in Kubernetes by providing Kubeflow in Helm and Terraform package formats.
  • Scalability: Enables scaling of Kubeflow usage with other production systems.
  • Cloud-Native AI: Facilitates deployment of AI applications across various cloud providers using Jupyter notebook environments with GPU support.
  • GitOps Integration: Uses ArgoCD for managing Kubernetes resources, promoting GitOps practices.
  • Modular Components: Allows for the adoption of cloud-native and AI tools beyond Kubeflow, such as Ray and MLFlow.

Future Potential:

  • Streamlined Deployment: Offers a 1-click experience for setting up Kubeflow, making it easier for new users to adopt.
  • Production Readiness: Provides high-level Helm charts and lower-level Argo apps charts for flexible deployment options.
  • Security and Management: Guides on securing deployments with HTTPS and managing instances with GitOps, enhancing security and manageability.

Overall, Kubeflow Bootstrap enhances the ease of use and scalability of Kubeflow, making it a valuable tool for integrating AI and machine learning into production environments.

For further insights and to explore the project further, check out the original treebeardtech/kubeflow-bootstrap repository.

Content derived from the treebeardtech/kubeflow-bootstrap repository on GitHub. Original materials are licensed under their respective terms.